Contact Details
A: Mitropoleos 32, Syntagma, Athens, 10563, Greece
E: [email protected]
T: +30 210 4400920
Our concierge operates from 07:00 to 23:00 in order to address any inquiry.
Get in Touch with us
| {{ createdAt(row.created) }} | {{ row.status }} | |
{{ reservation.status }} | |
{{ getRoomName() }} | |
{{ getGuestsCount() }} {{ strings.Guests }}{{ strings.Guest }} | |
{{ getPrice(reservation.pricing.room_cost) }} |
(x{{ item.quantity}}) | {{ getPrice(item.price) }} |
{{ getPrice(reservation.pricing.supplements) }} |
Government Tax | {{ getPrice(reservation.pricing.excluded) }} / night |
{{ getCancellationFee }}
A: Mitropoleos 32, Syntagma, Athens, 10563, Greece
E: [email protected]
T: +30 210 4400920
Our concierge operates from 07:00 to 23:00 in order to address any inquiry.